- 川口在日本研发了第一台自动发泡注塑成形机
- First automatic foamed polystyrene molding machine in Japan
- 川口在日本研发了第一台自动发泡注塑成形机
- First automatic foamed polystyrene molding machine in Japan
- 川口在日本研发了第一台低压发泡注塑成形机
- First low pressure foaming injection molding machine in Japan
- 川口在日本研发了第一部机械手
- First artificial hand “ROKS-Ⅰ” in Japan
- 川口在日本研发了电脑型注塑成形机,KS-C 与 KS-A 系列
- KS-C and KS-A completed as the pioneer of cybernetic injection molding machine
- 川口在日本将外部存储设备第一次运用于注塑机
- Injection molding machines with external memory storage was developed for the first time
- 上海川口建立
- Establish the company
- 机器输出量达到600台
- Output had came up to 600
- 获得 ISO9001:2000 品质体系认证
- Passed the ISO9001:2000 certification
- 建立广东分公司
- Establish Guangdong branch
- 获得 IS014001:2004 环境体系认证
- Passed the IS014001:2004 certification
- 荆州川口建立
- Establish Jingzhou branch
- 宁波川口建立
- Establish Ningbo branch
- 研制出 SVH 系统
- SVH system machines have been developed
- KMA3/KMB3系列研制成功
- KMA3/KMB3series machines have been developed
- 荆州工厂投产
- Jingzhou factory was on stream
- KME 系列研发布
- KME series machines released
- KMB5/KMA5SLH系列发布
- KMB5/KMA5SLH series machines released
- KG/KZ 系列发布
- KG/KZ series machines released
- 双色机 KD系列发布
- KD series machines released
- 江苏川口成立
- Establish Jiangsu branch